" A book is a dream that you hold in your hand" - Neil Gaiman Marketing focus on combination of gift production and high content values, delivering a curated read to genre enthusiasts. • Spotlight on submission process for the new stories, promoted online through blogs and social media • Monthly newsletter to increase mailing list of genre special interest readers. • Major interest pushed through Instagram, with Youtube reviewers and influences. to save herself from execution. Popular characters such as Aladdin, Ali Baba and Sinbad the sailor have become part of the Arabian Nights, added in later years, but told within the intriguing structure of the original. Such additions by were made by translators and collaborators from many European and Eastern sources but it was Richard Burton’s edition that brought these popular folk tales to the attention of a Victorian era readership eager to explore new cultures. It is Burton’s edition that forms the basis of this new collection, with stories that survive still from the original featured here too: ‘The Merchant and the Genie’, ‘The Fisherman and the Genie’, ‘The Porter and the Three Ladies’, ‘The Three Apples Thank you for looking! Please check my other "Treasure Books" |