Rascals! As you enter the crime scene, you realize this wona€™t be easy. Although youa€™ve solved numerous murder cases in the past and you arena€™t easily shocked, youa€™ve stumbled upon a real doozy. This would be a high-profile case. Not only was the deceased a man of great wealth and fame, but a disturbing note was found. Bottom line: if you dona€™t solve this case, blood will be on your hands. The room reeked of power. Just about every object in the room is worth more than you earn in a year. The man lying on the floor in front of you is the same man on the painting behind the desk. If the object of the painting was to intimidate people who walked into his boardroom, it worked. In normal circumstances, the room would have smelled of cigars and whiskey. But after tonighta€™s event, it smelled of cigars and blood.

Theodore Jones was the son of William Jones and the heir to the Jonesa€™ fortune. Jones and Jones was one of the largest steel companies of Great Britain. They w