SierraHorseHalter Training Tool, Gentle approach training tool
Under 13 Hands use Extra-small...13-14 Hands use small (GRAY)... 15-16 Hands use Medium (BURGUNDY)... 17 Hands and over use Large (BLACK)

Controls hyperactive horses and horses with over sensitive ears and eliminates the 10 most common behavior problems in a horse

Facilitates vaccinating, deworming, shoeing, clipping and drawing blood

Made in the USA with 365 inches of polypropylene rope for long lasting results and durability


The Sierra Horse Halter is a gentle approach training tool that in most cases, eliminates some of the most common equine behavior problems. In younger horses it can be used as a preventive tool so that bad behaviors never start. The halter features a NEW CONCEPT with a NEW DESIGN. Made in the USA with one piece of 365 inches of polypropylene rope. Proven by trainers, owners, breeders, farriers, veterinarians and haulers. The Sierra Horse Halter is not just another piece of rope, it is an equine behavior modification training tool. Four sizes and colors available: Small-Grey, Medium-Red, Large-Black, X Small-Brown. It ships with a CD and a Carrying Bag and we'll send you a FREE TRAINING EBOOK after your order has shipped. The ebook title: Psychology and Physiology Behind the Sierra Horse Halter-written by Alberto Sierra, inventor of the Sierra Horse Halter. He comes from generations of trainers and horse breeders. His life was devoted to research and developing training techniques for improving the equine experience Product information


 up without causing any pain to the horse

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