Vtg Candies Jr. Wm. L Royal Blue Mesh Lace Skater Party Dress slip lined belted.  
Easy pull-over fitting ~ lower scooped V-neck elastic stretch both front & back ~ mesh stretch filigree lace Poly outer/Nylon Spandex blend inside sewn attached slip lining ~ ruffled subtle capped sleeveless sleeves. 
 Pretty for summer or year round in warmer climates! 
 Fun & flirty top shoulder to bottom hem measures approx. 36" (perhaps few inches above knee length); lying flat across front pit side to side measures approx. 17' (totaling 34" all around including both front & back); twirlability base hem expands to 30" left to right side, unstretched.
 Reminder - will stretch somewhat for extended fit. Faux Leather Black 1/2" belt included.

Preowned condition: see multiple & up-close outdoor photos, both on & off fuller figure mannequin 
(no stains, rips nor tears noticed; 
mild-moderate stretched upper elastic from prior typical usage wear, though still feels expandable for form fitting). 
 Smoke-free home.