General Foods Cooking School of the Air was published for at least 2 years (and probably longer). It’s a set of companion pamphlets to the radio show of the same title, hosted by Frances Lee Barton. Topics Barton covered: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts; holidays; formal and informal lunch and dinner parties; food service; jams, jellies, and butters; and more. General Foods debuted their "Cooking School of the Air" in l932.  It was conceived of as a program for housewives and mothers.  For all intents and purposes it's host Frances Lee Barton was just a Betty Crocker impersonator. Their programs even had the same name. The 15-minute show aired at 11:15 AM from a studio called the General Foods Radio Kitchen which was purported to reside on Park Avenue, in New York City.  This daytime program was on the air from 1932-1935 on NBC's Red Network.  The program was short lived, in its’ final year, it was retooled to run for 30 minutes and renamed "Kitchen Party