Daniel Radcliffe - Coaster - Portait Painting Oil on Wood
Artist: Brian H Keene
- Oil on wood
About the Subject
Although Daniel Radcliffe is primarily known for his work in the Harry Potter films, I see into his personality and underlying thought processes and manerisms to bring out the individual beneath the facade.
I approached Daniel different than others in painting style in that he was caged as his original character Harry Potter. Since coming of age we've seen him try desperately to break out of this.
This is why we begin to almost see two different faces in the portrait. I utilized a palette knife and its depth and tesxture to bring out the energy and determination that can be felt though this work.
I have placed artworks in many galleries and Charity auctions, some of my works I have never released to the public and the original 24" x 24" work still hangs in my home.
About the Artist
My first love has always been painting, which led me to study fine art with a focus on oils. My new liquid style fine art portrait series is painted on raised wood frames that help bring out an interesting and inviting texture beneath the oil.