Released on September 8, 2009, The Office: Season 6 is a five-disc set of the popular comedy series that was originally shown on the Comedy Central television network. This is the US version of the BBC original series from the UK and The Office: Season 6 features an eclectic group of workers from the same office and examines the problems, quirks, and the ups and downs of work life. There are situations that seem impossible to solve in each episode in this season of the show, but the motley crew of office workers always seem to come out on top and victorious. This comedy series include Michael (played by Steve Carell), Dwight (played by Rainn Wilson), Jim (played by John Krasinski), and Pam (played by Jenna Fischer) and in this season, Kathy Bates takes over the company. The Office: Season 4 five-disc set includes extras such as 4 hours of deleted scenes and bloopers, 2 extended episodes, and staff commentary about he inner workings of The Office: Season 6.

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