Three Jericho Flower Doradilla 3inch Resurrection Plant Holy Prayers Evil Eye Safe Birth

Size: 2-3” across approximately
Quantity: Three (3) flowers
Country of Origin: Unknown
Botanical Name: Selaginella lepidophylla
Common Names: Rose of Jericho, Doradilla, Stone Flower, Resurrection Plant, Resurrection Moss, Dinosaur Plant, Siempre Viva

The Rose of Jericho has an amazing ability to transition from a brown, dry ball, into an open, green and lush plant. Place the dry plant into a bowl of water and watch it transform! This is a wonderful gift for a person who has gone through transformation or is starting over.

Use as decoration, floor wash, or a charm.

Jericho Flower is for decorative use.
Use as a gift  for a safe birth.
Jericho Flower is uses to remove envy and the evil eye.
Used to strengthen prayers.

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