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This GREAT spell promotes many powers including: an alignment of one's LOVE energies, a "sustaining" power to keep one's "level" of love, balanced energies, shared dreams and love connection relations with others from damage or loss, flexibility in one's compromise with one's love, attraction and respect of one' love!!!
Albina says that this spell will grant "a continuous alignment of one's love energies" which promotes a "peaceful relationship" and a sustained level of love and emotional growth as well as improved relations with one's love.
She also explains that this Magick provides a "cleansing of the aura which provides one with a "flexibility" in one's attitudes and strength in one's love bonds. This same cleansing promotes a "fluid" and relaxed presence that draws one's love towards one and this will aid one in relationship successes and studies as well as relationship growth due to one's relaxed and desirable energy.
When one is granted the ability to understand the "deeper" meanings of love experiences, one will be able to delve directly to the core of the issues and resolve problems quickly and understand situations with a clarity one has not formerly possessed. This alone can lengthen one's relationship and empower compassion, empathy and care for one's love and one's love's care for you!
Albina sends her Blessings and respect! My Thanks to Albina for her amazing time and talents!!
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