Orphaned as an infant, young Harry Potter has been living a less-than-fortunate life. Belittled by his pompous uncle and sniveling aunt (not to mention his absolute terror of a cousin, Dudley), Harry has resigned himself to a mediocre existence in the cupboard under the stairs. But then the letters start dropping on the doormat at Number Four, Privet Drive. Addressed to “Mr. H. Potter” and stamped shut with a purple wax seal, the peculiar envelopes are swiftly confiscated by his relentlessly cruel family. But nothing stops Rubeus Hagrid, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man, from kicking down the door and bursting in with astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard - and not only a wizard, he’s an incredibly famous wizard. Hagrid spirits him away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, setting into motion an incredible adventure (Banks run by goblins! Enchanted train platforms! Invisibility Cloaks!) that listeners won’t ever forget.


Author: J. K. Rowling             Read By: Jim Dale

Year: 1999

Length: Unabridged

Category: Fantasy

Actual Length & Discs: 8 hrs., 17 min., on 7 discs

Brand NEW, still with factory shrink wrap on. Case and discs are brand new, never shelved or listened to.