A Persian sailor named Sinbad is on a quest to find the magical legendary Book of Peace, a mysterious artifact that Eris, the wicked Greek goddess of chaos, has ultimately framed him for stealing. If he fails on this quest, his childhood friend Prince Proteus of Syracuse will take Sinbad's death penalty while Eris gains a desired foothold of power in the world of mortals.
Title: SINBAD: LEGEND OF THE SEVEN SEAS (Junior Dramatization)
Author: Eleanor Fremont Read By: Matt Walton
Year: 2003
Category: Young Adult Fantasy
Length: 2 hours, 30 min., on 2 Compact Discs
Unopened, factory sealed 2 disc jewelcase with all inner lining notes.
Cases are of the Jewel case variety which helps to protect the discs and cover cards, front and back.