Title: "THE RATASTROPHE CATASTROPHE" - The Illmoor Chronicles Book 1

Author: David Lee Stone          Read By: Robert LLewellyn

Year: 2004

Length: Unabridged

Category: Fantasy Satire

Actual Length & Discs: 4 hrs., 56 min., on 4 discs

Diek Wustapha is a normal shepherd boy-until a dark, evil magic instills him with the power to charm man and beast with his magic flute. When the ancient town of Illmoor is plagued by an infestation of giant rats, Diek offers to lead the rodents to their doom. But when the dim-witted Duke of Illmoor refuses to reward him, Diek seeks revenge by kidnapping the town's children. Just when it seems the children are gone for good, a team of misfit mercenaries-Groan, a buck-toothed Giant, Gordo, a wise-cracking dwarf, and Tambor, a has-been sorcerer-set out on a bumbling journey to stop Diek, and save the children. But will they be too late?

All cases are of the clam shell variety (as is seen in many libraries) which helps to keep and protect the discs and cover cards, front and back.