Description: Original cover price: $5.99. Art Cover featuring Skrull Spider-Woman by Greg Horn. 'SECRET INVASION' COMES TO A CLOSE The event miniseries by Brian Michael Bendis and Leinil Yu may be coming to an end, but the Marvel Universe must go on! What's next for the heroes? Who's taking the dirt nap? And what happens to the Skrulls? We forecast the aftermath right here. FEMME FATALES: HOLLYWOOD'S HOTTEST LEADING LADIES With Scarlett Johansson and Eva Mendes set to star in Frank Miller's 'The Spirit,' we rank the hottest actresses to ever star in your favorite genre movies! Who's Wizard's No. 1 leading lady? Find out in this ish! WARREN ELLIS Q&A He's currently 'astonishing' readers with his run on that X-title with Simone Bianchi, and creating an entire universe of goodies with his creator-owned Avatar work. We sit down with the bombastic brainiac to pick his thoughts on all that and more. GREEN LANTERN: SCI-FI EPIC Going 'Green' is the way to be at DC-Geoff Johns continues his stellar run writing the sci-fi cop's epic adventures. In the midst of the 'Red Lantern' arc, he's prepping the next event storyline, 'Blackest Night,' a must-read chapter. Get the scoop here! 'FINAL CRISIS' ROLLS ON As the main series by Grant Morrison, J.G. Jones and Carlos Pacheco continues, a host of new one-shots and tie-ins add dynamic new layers to this event series. Find out what's in store and what it all means for the DCU's biggest books! 021322-021322P
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