Saturday Evening POST
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ISSUE DATE: May 2 1964; 237th Year, No 17, 5/2/64

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COVER: The Fischer quints at six months, by John Zimmerman: top row, left to right, Margie, Jimmie, Cathy; bottom row, Mary Ann and Maggie.

The stardom and boredom of CATHERINE SPAAK by Pete Hamill. "Europe's big new film star has led a turbulent life both on and off stage." "Miss Spaak bares her back for the film 'Sweet Deceptions'. She has been disrobing for camera since she was 15." [NICE, In-depth article, with FULL PAGE photo, plus others!]

THE PTA is a waste of time (Speaking Out) by Prof. W. C. Kvaraceus.
Affairs Of State by Stewart Alsop.
The Great A-11 Deception by James Atwater. Illustrated by Robert McCall.
The Fischer Quintuplets at home -- by Mary Ann Fischer and John Bird.
Now that the quintuplets have miraculously survived the perils of birth, their mother tells the touching story of their first busy months. To her, the gurgling in the nursery is the happiest sound in the world. With plenty of help, she is managing the problem of rearing ten children under nine years of age. But the father, Andrew Fischer, must count soaring grocery bills and mortgage payments along with his blessings. The Flschers explain their plans for a quiet family life and how they expect to meet the future for the most remarkable babies in America.

A Bible in the bullpen by John Devaney. (ON Al Worthington).
A room full of takers for any dare by Joseph Wechsberg.
A Communist at the White House by Zygmunt Broniarek.
"Doctor, what's wrong with me?" by Evan Hill.
Big play for pay TV's $1.50 splendors by Martin Mayer.


On the night train to Moscow by Ralph Blum. Illustrated by Robert J. Lee.
The suicide by Evan S. Connell Jr. Illustrated by Bill Charmatz.
A full day's wages by K. E. Sackett. Illustrated by David Passalacqua.

DEPARTMENTS:Letters;Post scripts;Hazel;Editorial.

THE AUTHORS: After President Johnson made his dramatic announcement disclosing the existence of the fantastic A-11 "interceptor," Post contributing writer James Atwater found that nobody in the Pentagon wanted to talk about it. Atwater, a former Air Force officer, questioned many knowledgeable Washington sources and pieced together engineers' estimates to find out the details on what the plane can do -- and what it can't . . . In Cincinnati's Tampa training camp to get the story of pitcher Al Worthington, John Devaney agreed to catch a few thrown by the Reds' fastballer Jim Maloney: "I thought he was just going to lob 'em. Couldn't move my hand for three days." . . . Joseph Wechsberg, an American who lives in Vienna, admires the casual style in Lloyd's of London, where incredible amounts of insurance are underwritten at a hectic pace.
Pete Hamill tells how Catherine Spaak spent an afternoon before the cameras while covered with nothing but bank notes. She is, he says, not so bored as she pretends. . . . Zygmunt Broniarek, Polish reporter at the White House, would like it known he wrote his piece in his own English . . . Evan Hill says he now understands why 50 percent of doctors' patients show psychosomatic symptoms. He experienced most ailments he studied for his report on diagnosis . . . Martin Mayer, who writes regularly on business and entertainment, thinks Pat Weaver, onetime president of NBC, may be the man to bring big-time pay TV to America.

FULL PAGE vintage ADS include:
BUDWEISER; CHEVROLET Impala Convertible (Red); JETSTAR I Oldsmobile (red); EVINRUDE; Things go better with COKE, Coca-Cola on back cover; MORE
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