27X COVEN CAST SEAL OF THE SUN HONOR SUCCESS spell CAST for you LED by 100 year cast this potent  Spell for you!!












This is a FULL COVEN CAST spell called "Seal of the Sun", a spell derived from Ancient Medieval Magick which was consecrated upon talismans and secretly passed down and guarded for generations. These Ancient and much sought after Magickals were said to grant the bearer many gifts including:
* Allows one to be one's "best" in all endeavors 



*Increased "fair", honest relations and the respect of others 

*Great Fortune and Wealth *Increased good physical health and energy 

*Quick advancement/ Progress in career and business ventures 

*"Elevates" one to higher stature and power

 *Increased attractiveness and the drawing of most "honorable" individuals

 *dramatically enhanced confidence, charm and grace 

*Happy relations and family life *and finally granting the bearer the "activation" of the Sun's Blessings!
Albina says that what is unique about this Magickal, is that in addition to the already POTENT strengths one will be granted, one will also gain specific "Sun Blessings" such as:
*the drawing of "vital energies" that will increase health, inner power and bring forward dormant skills

 *Increased recognition and fame (drawing others near with one's new found 'warmth') 

*Enhanced Success and reaching one's goals

 *empowering Magickal energies with the Sun's energies 

*Improved inner strength, authority and "empowered" demeanor 

* illuminating the "unseen" paths, treasures and allowing one to travel in new successful directions *restoration of damaged or weakened energies and more...
These are only a few examples of how one will be assisted after making one's request!! This is a truly INSPIRING Magickal!









In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!










Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given