Brand new factory sealed dvd is Out Of Print in all formats and no longer being manufactured. Licensed by MGM to Deuce Entertainment, so the sourceprint is good. This pop-n-go video label has no menus or special features. However, the frills free video should be in widescreen and you can toggle thru the random chapter stops with your chapter buttons.

Based on an autobiography by Bertha Thompson, the script recounts how, in the Arkansas of the early thirties, the orphaned Bertha (Hershey) is befriended by a railroad union organizer (Carradine) and how the two of them, together with Bertha's former lover (Barry Primus) and Carradine's black crony (Bernie Casey) are driven by legalized persecution into becoming train-robbers. Their success prompts the self-righteous railroad president (John Carradine in a splendid cameo) to set ruthless railroad 'police' on their trail.

The gang is broken up and Primus killed, and the now destitute Bertha is driven to prostitution. In a grim conclusion, she and Carradine are reunited only to find themselves the victims of a police ambush. The film ends with Carradine crucified by the sadistic detectives on a railway wagon in a curious prefiguring of the 'Last Temptation of Christ' (1989), with Bertha running after it as it carries him away.