This is a spell she calls her very powerful promotes strengthening one's PROTECTION AGAINST REMOTE ACCESS, 

1) The Fleece in Hand- This element of the spell will greatly assist the bearer by drawing in the precise energies that will help to "strengthen" one's shields.   She adds that this element will also "strengthen" weaker energies by directing the energies to empower the "positions that are accessed remotely. 

2)  The Armor in Hand- This element of the spell will assist the bearer by surrounding the bearer with a "=emote shield" that not only protects the bearer from outside negativity such as negative influences, attacks, environmental or residual negativity, but this shield will also transmute negative energies into positive energies that will actually benefit the bearer instead of harming the bearer.  She says that it is not uncommon for one "who bears such a Magickal to become empowered by negativity" as a result of being exposed to energies that become "a great enhancement" instead of a "detrimental" to the bearer!

3) Stardust in Hand- Albina says that this final element of the spell will allow the bearer to use the strengthening energies that this form of Magick has drawn in to "change the direction of the course of remote attackers" .  Then, Albina says that one will be able to utilize the strength that stops experiencing chaotic disruptions to relations, career or other environmental factors as a result of such a dramatic improvement".  She says that "this is a true gift that bestows not only the positibilities before one, one will also be able to create such life changing courses of action without overwhelming efforts or damage to one's current positions in life!" 

  Albina says that those who experienced such Magick have reported that they finally feel "protected"  




In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!




Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given