Create More than 8 Transparent Flowers Floral Crafting Kit made in France bySentoSphere This set allows you to create more than 8 flowers that look as ifthey are made from filigree glass. Actually they are created with stainedglass-effect paint. To make them, all you have to do is shape the stems in amold and then fill them with the paint provided. In a few minutes the waterevaporates ans the color becomes crystalline. Then you assemble the petals andyour crystal flowers are complete and ready for display! This Crystal FlowerCraft Kit Contains: 10 tubes of colored paint. Each contains 0.33 fl ounces 2petal shaped molds 50 bendable stems 1 small roll of green stem covering paper1 pack of Patarev modeling clay to serve as a base for your flowers. 1 set ofphoto illustrated instructions explaining each step to be followed. TheMission at SentoSphere is to encourage children's innate curiosity andinnovative play. All SentoSphere products are designed to let children exploretheir creativity, their imaginations and their talents. Recommended for ages 8and up.