OUR COVEN LEDY BY ALBINA will cast this very powerful and long regarded "Ricochet" spell for you to driect all negative energies sent towards you directly back to their origin!!

 This powerful protection and DEFENSE spell causes whatever action that is directed at one to be deflected and returned to the sender. This means if negativity is directed at one the sender will get negativity in return.

However, what makes this spell different from other protection spells, is that if positivity is directed at  YOU, the sender will reap great positive energy in return!!!!

She says that this "positive ricochet" effect usually causes those around to DESIRE taking positive steps to assist you because of the positive effect that they receive each time they take this action.

 She adds that she has experienced a "great increase in the positive attention and events around me after those who helped me received very satisfying experiences after they gave their positive time and attention to me!!!!

What is also noteworthy about this spell, is the fact that my friend says it seems that those who send negativity seem to be "faced with their own negative actions" in a way that they truly seem to "learn from their bad behavior and soon change their ways". She explains that it is as if all those who direct this negativity seem to need is " a dose of their own medicine".

**Note- this spell in no way sends negative energies or actions out into the Universe...It only directs negative sent to return back to it's origin!! Therefore, no Universal Laws of Karma are broken

Blessings to all!!! )O(


*~*~MY Thanks and SINCERE Blessings to Albina and her amazing Coven for all of their amazing time and energies!! Blessings to all who visit here and Blessed be!!*~*~