Screech owls are year round residents in nearly every state across the country. They typically inhabit mature woodlands but they are also commonly found in suburban and urban areas. They are one of the smallest owls in North American, standing about 10 inches tall with a wingspan up to 24 inches across.
Nighttime hunters, screech owls feed on rodents and other small mammals as well as insects and small birds. They swallow small prey animals whole; larger victims are torn into pieces. The bits of bone, teeth, fur and feathers that cannot be digested are expelled as 'owl pellets' that often accumulate under their roosting spots. Finding a pile of pellets at the base of tree is a good sign that there is an owl nearby.
Screech owls often nest in abandoned woodpecker holes or in the natural cavities of dead trees. They are very active during the fall and winter breeding season as they search for mates and places to nest. Like many birds that rely on tree cavities to raise their young, habitat loss makes it harder for screech owls to find suitable nesting sites. Fortunately, they will move into a birdhouse to raise their brood - so long as the nest box is build to meet their specific needs.
This house is sized to attract screech owls. Made of birch, stained with classic oak. Mounting base is 24" x 9 1/4". Nesting box is 19" x 10" x 9 1/4"