
Wish Sigil – Super Strong Powder

This is a special blend mixture recipe used to fulfil your wish. This powder is added after activating your Sigil using the powder method.

Once the powder from the activated Sigil is mixed with the Wish Sigil Powder, this creates a unique “powered up” Super Strong Mixture to attract Immensely Whatever You Require It to attract.

Add a pinch of Wish Sigil powder in your pocket, the day you go for an interview or on the day of your exams, above all, use it in a way which suits the original intent of your designed Sigil

You may be imaginative, dress a candle with it, sprinkle it around the periphery of your home. Sprinkle a pinch of this powder for amazing empowerment!

The powder method of activating your Sigil along with grinding together the correct ingredients to make the Wish Sigil Powder is all explained from start to finish in the downloadable file.

This printable recipe and instructions cannot be distributed without the consent of the creator, Gloria Hammond

It is for personal use only. It cannot be redistributed or sold personally.