1 Cup of freshly Grown Duckweed
Shipped First Class Mail USPO
Excellent supplemental food source for aquatic turtles and other vegetation eaters.

Duckweed floats on the water surface with a small root structure attached. They can provide shade to reduce algae growth. They also provide protection from bird and other predators. They can survive in full sun or full shade. They do best in slow moving or still water. Duckweed may contain beneficial snails and other pond and lake dwellers. Duckweed can enhance the beauty and variety of any pond or aquarium.

Water Spangles (Salvinia minima) Reproduce rapidly by self cloning
 providing a steady food source for your aquatic animals.
 Expect some die off during shipment causing a odor when package is opened. 
However if introduced to your pond or tank rapid reproduction will begin.
 Because of this reproduction this may very well be the only floating plant you 
will ever need to purchase. (Save Money)
This item ships on Monday or Tuesday only

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