American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: MAY 1983; VOLUME 47, ISSUE 490 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. FRONT COVER: Afternoon Tea, by Will Wilson, 1982, oil, 24 x 18. Courtesy John Pence Gallery, San Francisco, California. FEATURES: ALTOON SULTAN by June Cutler. This New York artist studied with Philip Pearlstein, Lennart Anderson, and Gabriel Laderman and achieved recognition for her work after only a few years of professional activity. Here she describes her education and painting procedure. ARTIST IN RESIDENCE: BARBARA NECHIS. by Patricia Paull Newsom. Continuing our series on innovative art studios, the author visits with watercolorist Barbara Nechis, whose studio was designed by New York architect Richard Jansen, a partner in the firm of Lowrie/Jansen Architects. WILL WILSON by John Pence. This talented young painter studied at the Schuler School, which is dedicated to instructing artists in the traditions and methods of Maroger. Here Wilson describes his oil painting techniques and his use of the controversial Maroger medium. THE WATERCOLOR PAGE: WILLIAM McNAMARA. In Arkansas, McNamara paints a landscape 'before our very eyes, sharing with us his moment-by-moment thoughts in the creative process. THE COLORIST APPROACH TO OIL PAINTING by Lee Seebach. In Arizona, Seebach develops his oil landscapes with an eye toward establishing the color relationships in a scene. In this article, he describes his "colorist' approach and gives a demonstration. CHUCK CLOSE by Jane Cottingham. Chuck Close--one of the most important contemporary American painters--talks about his work and his career in this candid interview. Some of his Photo-Realist paintings and pulp paper collages are shown. ART ON THE HOME SCREEN by Hobin Longman What does video--the electronic medium--offer artists in art instruction and art appreciation? Here is a look at what's on TV--public TV, cable TV, and "home video.". EXHIBIT LISTINGS. PROFESSIONAL PAGE by Juno Jevnikar. TECHNICAL PAGE by Prof. Clifford T. Chieffo. COUNSEL ON THE ARTS by Martin Bressler. BULLETIN BOARD. COMING IN JUNE. INDEX TO ADVERTISING. ART MART. FOOTNOTES. LETTERS. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)