A beauty treatment by Saba Botanical of USA. Our facial & body masks are one of the traditional ways to combat aging while keeping the skin smooth and vibrant. Unlike hard facial masks therapy, soft facial masks are easy to use, and may be applied in the convenience of the home. Saba's Face & Body Masks are made up a special mix of natural herbal ingredients. This mask contains Multani clay, red sandalwood powder, neem, tulsi, rose powder etc.. Saba's Face & Body Mask Skin Treatment is known for following benefits. Good for all skin types Rejuvenates skin, improves skin tone and texture. Removes dead skin Relaxes and firms tired skin tones Refines the pores Gentle, but effective natural ingredients leaves skin soft and clean. Draw impurities for healthier cleaner skin Increases blood circulation in face muscles Brightens the skin Balances skin tone Gives clear youthful radiance

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Package quantity: 1