Plot: Shrek 2 takes players on a twisted fairy tale adventure with Shrek and his buddies. Gamers revisit key locations from the movie sequel while discovering all-new locations and characters. Shrek 2 combines squad-based action with traditional action-adventure elements. Players can control their team of four and play as Shrek or any of his 10 fairy tale friends, switching between each to best utilize the character's unique abilities to solve puzzles, fight monsters, and complete wild and dangerous adventures. Hilarious dialogue and gags add to the fun. Control a party of four at all times - Shrek, Fiona, Donkey and one other character -- a second player can also jump in & control someone, Switch between 10 unique characters and use their abilities solve puzzles, fight monsters, and complete wild and dangerous adventures, Use the team's unique fighting skills to take out dangerous fairy-tale enemies, Special hero time sequence minigames where each character gets to shine and kick some butt. 112121-112121P-VG2
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