Plot: Sadie is an investigative reporter who stumbles upon a dark underground cult that is attracting young Los Angeles hipsters. Lured in by the promise of wild parties, these kids start turning up dead, and when Sadie tries to get to the bottom of their gruesome murders, she becomes a victim herself. She awakens in the morgue, neither dead nor alive, a vampire, consumed by an overwhelming craving for blood. Trying desperately to fight off her thirst, Sadie prowls the dark city streets, armed with a crossbow and hell-bent on slaying the twisted vampires that made her this way. Detective Rawlins is sick with rage and grief after his only daughter becomes another victim of the vampire cult. He crosses paths with Sadie in his investigation, and the two join forces, stopping at nothing until they've exacted their revenge. 111421-111421P-DVD3
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