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With all the great features of the day, this makes a great birthday gift, or anniversary present! Careful packaging, Fast shipping, and EVERYTHING is 100% GUARANTEED. TITLE: The Saturday Review of Literature [Each Saturday Review of Literature issue covers books, arts, literature, movies, ideas, music, science, poetry and much more. Many regular features and writers, and most reviews are also essays on the subject at hand. ALL the latest books had to have an ad in The Saturday Review! ] ISSUE DATE: December 16, 1950; Vol XXXIII, No 50 CONDITION: RARE edition, standard magazine size, Approx 8oe" X 11". COMPLETE and in GOOD condition. (See photo) IN THIS ISSUE: [Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 COVER: Ernest Watkins, Author of "The Cautious Revolution"; Drawing by Hal Mcintosh. ARTICLES: INTELLECTUAL ALLERGIES By Virginia C. Gildersleeve. TOLSTOY: A PECULIAR BLEND By Janko Lavrin. BOOK REVIEWS: THE CAUTIOUS REVOLUTION, Reviewed by William H. Stevenson. THE AUTHOR: ERNEST WATKINS, by K. S. THE FACE AND MIND OF IRELAND, Reviewed By Padraic Colum. A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE MOVIES, Reviewed by Arthur L. Mayer. DIARY OF A FILM, Reviewed by Richard Griffth. RADIO, TELEVISION, AND SOCIETY, Reviewed by Robert Lewis Shayon. THE GREAT AUDIENCE ; HOLLYWOOD: THE DREAM FACTORY ; CASE HISTORY OF A MOVIE ; HOLLYWOOD LOOKS AT ITS AUDIENCE , Reviewed by Hollis Alpert. RANDALL AND THE RIVER OF TIME, Reviewed by Walter Havighurst. CHOOKY, Reviewed by Herschel Brickell. TEN DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, Reviewed by Anne Fremantle. THE DECLINE AND FALL OF PRACTICALLY EVERYBODY, Reviewed by Lionel Olay. THE SWISS FAMILY PERELMAN , Reviewed by Lee Rogow. SNOBS, Reviewed by Henry C. Wolfe. DEPARTMENTS: TRADE WINDS By Bennett Cerf. LITERARY CRYPT. LITERARY I.Q. EDITORIAL. LETTERS TO TIlE EDITOR. SEEING THINGS By John Mason Brown. SRL GOES TO THE MOVIES By Evelyn Gerstein. TV AND RADIO By Robert Lewis Shayon. MUSIC TO Mv EARS By Irving Kolodin. THE CRIMINAL RECORD. SRL READER POLL By William D. Patterson. BOOKED FOR TRAVEL By Horace Sutton. THE NEW RECORDINGS By Edward Tatnall Canby. NEW EDITIONS By Ben Ray Redman. DOUBLE-CROSTIC No. 873. ______ Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |