Plot: In the futuristic world of Alansas, magic and technology are one. Plagued by war and famine, Alansas has become a post-apocalyptic playground. In the vast underground weapons complex of Force Valley, monstrous cyborg armies are created to wage war on the fields above. In a moment of folly, an experimental cyborg known as 'Magin', escapes and takes over the weapons laboratory and facility. Creating an army of enhanced weapon monsters, Magin entombs the Gods of magic, turning Force Valley into a Metal Dungeon. Now, a group of Cyborgs known as the Enforcers are enlisted to take back the facility, plunge into its depths and root out the evil that awaits. So gear up, level up, and get ready for a horror-filled, futuristic RPG adventure in the Metal Dungeon. Players choose from five character types--fencer, striker, analyzer, caster, and broader--for building their teams, which may be further enhanced by finding or buying chips and implanting them into characters. Players can add to their team by finding and reanimating the corpses of fallen warriors and transforming them into one of five unlockable character classes. 110721-110721P-VG2
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