Brand new factory sealed dvd is Out Of Print (OOP) making this restored, remastered and first time on DVD Mexican film an instant collector's item. Original Spanish language with optional English subtitles and a bi-lingual menu too. Full frame black & white film is perfect for old school televisions as the image will fill your square frame.
This is Mexican cult moviemaker Chano Urueta's best-made movie, largely thanks to Jorge Stahl's good trick photography, and combines the story of Snow White with surgical motifs in the 19th century. The story is told with many well-executed effects, including a piano that plays by itself, flowers that wilt suddenly, the appearance of a demonic cat and, above all, the many spectral manifestations in the mirror.
Adding to the picture's interest is the introduction of a benevolent witch who uses her satanic powers against a ruthlessly oppressive husband and wife-killer. Rosita Arenas is excellent in a role which requires her to suggest that she is taken over by an alien force as her hands take on a life of their own, trying to strangle her husband and playing a taboo piece of music on the piano. This uncut version of the film contains the rarely seen blasphemous resurrection of the slain Elena!