See condition notes and photos - this year book is in poor condition, but still very readable.  

Class of 1920 text (see photos for clear spelling and context).  It's hard to read the hand writing 

This is a yearbook from the last great pandemic and there are references to classmates who were lost to the measles and the flu.

Names of students in senior class below (there is a more legible version in the photos)
1. Ajax, Howard 
18. Gray, Jewel 
2. Allen, Mardelle 
19. Harrison, Claude 
20. James, Raymond 
3. Barnes, Ernestine 
21. Klyce, Eugenia 
4. Boyer, Howard Brown, Anne 22. Leonard, Helen 5 23. Lide, Jesse 6. Brown, Billy 7 Bryan, Walton 24. Madden, Doc 25. Nabors, Beulah 8. Cameron, Roy 9. Candler, Mary 26. Newman, Ruth 10. Conn, Helen 27. Parker, Ernest 11. Copped ge, Jewel 28. Preher, Mozelle 12. Davis, Frank 29. Price, Lineta 13. Davis, Sidney 30. Rather, Emma B. 14. Elmore, Mary 31. Ray. Edwin 15. Elledge, Grace 32. Skillman, Stella 16. Franks, Lora 33. Smith, Fred 17. Frazer, T'homas 34. Smith, Holland