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Product description: This massive two-volume work of more than 800 pages by Dr. Michael Evans is an in-depth exploration of the courageous men and women of faith who worked, gave, prayed, and in some cases, sacrificed their own lives for the sake of the Jewish people and the rebirth of Israel. Drawing on Dr. Evans' extensive years of experience and research, hundreds of interviews and thousands of hours of study and writing, this masterwork is a must-read for anyone who loves Israel and the Jewish people and wants to know the true history of the modern Jewish state. Blending careful examination of large-scale political and military events with touching human and very personal stories, The History of Christian Zionism tells a story that must never be forgotten. The stories told in this book form the heart of the Righteous Gentile Heritage Center. Among the valuable features of this work are stunning photographs of key players and critical documents are reproduced. The entire work is carefully footnoted so that each claim and statement is verified and authenticated. This book is a must-have for every friend of Israel. The deluxe volumes with richly textured hardback simulated leather covers and gold foil accents will make this set a distinctive addition to your home or office library. Receive a paperback set of this important two-volume work with your gift of $50 or more to support the Jerusalem Prayer Team OR with your gift of $100, you can request the deluxe hardback volumes. A Brand-New Masterwork from Dr. Evans!