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Product description: In this volume, we are going to pick up where we left off in Volume 1 by answering the question asked by the kings of earth at the end of Revelation Chapter 6: "For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" The answer to this earnest inquiry will mark a major turning point in God's dealings with mankind. We are about to enter into an analysis of the midpart of the Tribulation, called the Great Tribulation. My research and subsequent commentary on Chapters 7 through 13 of the Book of Revelation has left me with a heavy heart for those who will be left behind after the Rapture of the Church. If we could only get the world to understand that a whirlwind of judgment awaits them unless they flee without delay to the foot of the Cross, where the precious blood was shed for them that they might escape the wrath to come. But due to their hard and impenitent hearts, they are going to behold terrifying sights and deafening sounds that will make even the strongest of men tremble.