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Product description: The Freedom of Choice Act is far-reaching federal legislation that will cancel every state and federal restriction on abortion. Some 550 state and federal laws to limit abortion — the work of decades — would be suddenly set aside if FOCA became law. It would mean an end to laws banning partial-birth abortion, as well as those requiring parental notification and informed consent before abortion. Statutes to protect infants born alive after abortion would be struck down under FOCA, as would state and federal bans on the use of tax dollars to pay for abortions. America’s Catholic bishops call it an “evil law.” President Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood he would make its passage a priority.Freedom to Kill: Unlimited Abortion at Your Expense tells you why this bill is a clear and present danger to America’s unborn children — and your wallet. Featured guests include Dr. Karen Gushta, who provides a riveting testimony of post-abortion healing; pro-life leaders Jim McGarvey and Tewannah Aman; and Dr. Lise Lambert, a pro-life physician.