Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: As man's morality continues to degrade and decline, man has changed his law to fit the times. The need of the hour is for a fresh look at the timeless law of God, the Ten Commandments. With great care and attention, every aspect of this unchangeable law is brought to life for today and tomorrow. What the Bible Says About'The Ten Commandments is a classic for all generations. Two clear declarations guide you through the book: *The Ten Commandments have influenced this world more than any other document ever devised or published. Any nation using the Ten Commandments as the basis for its laws will grow into a blessed society'just, orderly, compassionate, and law-abiding. *The Ten Commandments spell out the duty of God's people anytime, anywhere: Obedience. Written in the same practical manner as other OUTLINE Bible material, this work speaks to every society very nation, every age, and every single individual on God's earth. You will have a safe and sure guide for the coming millennium, found in God's eternal Ten Commandments. Format: coloring_book