Lord Premium Safety Razor Model LP1822L
Merkur type Head
This Razor offers the ultimate in double edged affordability and lightweight construction.
Comes with 10 Shark Super Chrome blades.
A great combination that will deliver a Barbershop close shave.
Authentic LORD Razor made in Egypt by LORD Company.
2014 Production Brand new model.
Chrome Plated head & Aluminum handle
4.35" Inch long and weighs 1.7 Oz
Shipping & Handling
Shipping for this item to the USA is FREE.
- Transit time: 2-6 business days via USPS from Champlain, NY.
Shipping for this item to Canada is FREE.
- Transit time: 6-14 business days via USPS from Champlain, NY. (No duties, taxes, or customs fees upon receipt of your order. Item is declared under $15 as GIFT!)
International shipping for this item is $2.99
- Transit time: 6-14 business days via USPS from Champlain, NY. (No duties, taxes, or customs fees upon receipt of your order.Item is declared under $15 as GIFT!) International transit times depend on the country & their customs process.
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