Front cover -- art by PETER MAX
Letters To The Editor
Notes From The Underground : (Impressions From Living In Havana, Cuba For One Month) -- by MARGARET RANDALL
For Ray Bremser (poem) -- by SEYMOUR KRIM
The Blood Of A Wig (short fiction) -- by TERRY SOUTHERN art by JIM McMULLEN
How The War Ended In Vietnam (essay on VIETNAM WAR) -- by FRED RAYFIELD
Filthy Pictures Seized In London (poem) -- by GEORGE DOWDEN
The Power Of Non-Politics, or The Death Of The Square Left (Non-Political & Anti-Political HIPPIE Subculture) -- by RALPH J. GLEASON
Beginning Of A Poem Of These States (Memento For GARY SNYDER) (poem) -- by ALLEN GINSBERG, illustrated by PETER MAX
The New Politics: Is There Life Before Death? (Non-Political & Anti-Political Hippies) -- by NAT HENTOFF
Anathema (poem) -- by Paul E. Myers
Flower Power : An Interview With A Hippie (essay) -- LOUIS H. RAPAPORT, interviewed by HELEN BROWN & JANE SEITZ
The Voyage To Khonostrov (short fiction) by BORIS VIAN, art by CHARLES SAUTOCE (?)
The Relationship Of Religious Ritual To Orgasm Frequency Among The Tribal Women Of Fungoolistan : A Humping And Gathering Society (satire) -- by Dr, MANFREUD MEED
The Beard (drama) -- by MICHAEL McCLURE, art by M. GREEN
The M. Team (short fiction) -- by JAMES BRUNOT, art by NIK PUSPURICA
The Adventures Of Phoebe Zeit-Geist : Episode XII : Lethal Women (serial comic strip) -- written by MICHAEL O'DONOGHUE, illustrated by FRANK SPRINGER
Is This Really The End For "Phoebe"? -- by the editors
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