This is a Live Air Plant, also called Tillandsia Caput-Medusa (Medusa's Head), because the long twisty leaves look like the head of Medusa. This listing is for a medium-size, 4-5 inch tall, air plant similar to the one shown in the photos.
This plant is also sometimes called Octopus Airplant, because its leaves look like the arms of an octopus.
This air plant is available in a shell, or any of the planters I have listed also. You can send me a custom request for pricing and options.
- Give Indirect Light
- They enjoy good Airflow
- No soil is needed. They can rest on dry moss, pebbles or bark
- Provide temperatures in the range 50 - 90° F
- To water, spray mist every 3 to 5 days (more often in dry environment, and less often in humid climates) You can also soak or dip in water every 1.5 to 2 weeks , submerging only the leaves. Then dry upside down so the base doesn't stay wet and rot.