One will gradually tune into and begin to listen to the small
voice of one's conscience (our embodied Soul Self), and begin the process of healing and harmonizing our Emotional Nature. One will slowly allow one's Soul Self to become the guide and director of our life's experiences instead of the ego desire body and begin the process of upgrading and refining our Emotional Body consciousness.
One will begin to delve more deeply into our subconscious minds, we initiate the process of aligning our emotional will with that of our Higher Self-OverSoul and Divine Will and learn that you are electromagnetic, energetic Beings, one will come to the understanding that we are all constantly radiating energetic thought forms out into the world around us. Then we must experience these positive or negative thought forms as events/situations composed of the same frequencies. Our personal world is constantly rearranging itself to fit your current picture of reality. And as one begin to understand the Laws of Cause and Effect or Karma. One will also gain an understanding of, and begin to actively use, the Universal Laws of Manifestation as one slowly refines one's abilities as co-creators on the earthly plane of existence.
As one moves a little higher on the ladder of Ascension, you will also learn to view the events in our lives from a higher vantage point. One will have have gone through the process of breaking or healing all past agreements with those with whom we have experienced karmic interaction so that you may sever any remaining energetic cords between us. By healing and transmuting the probable futures you have created in your many past lifetimes' experience, you will move into the future without the heavy burden of past Karma.
One will love more deeply and compassionately as we begin to look for and see the best in everyone around one. You will have learned to see your tests and challenges as opportunities for growth instead of punishment and bad luck. As a result, your Emotional Body consciousness begins to resonate to much higher, more harmonious, vibrational frequencies.
At this stage, your OverSoul-Higher Self begins to take a more active role in our transformation process, as our Soul Self slowly integrates the higher frequencies (attributes, qualities and virtues) of our OverSoul Self and re-evaluate the major judgments and attitudes that have been handed down by your elders as well as by the cultural, religious and governmental leaders as you gradually move out of and beyond the mass consciousness belief patterns of the lower astral planes.
As you refine the frequency patterns of your Mental Body, you will slowly gain access to your Sacred Mind and the treasure chest of higher mental consciousness that is stored therein. Your Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart become unified with our OverSoul-Higher Self as the guiding influence in our spiritual quest. You will become more tolerant of other people's beliefs as we learn that there are many paths to follow; however, You are now aware that all paths will ultimately lead to the same destination. You will learn to be discerning as to what we will accept as our truth, and we only accept those truths that resonate positively within your Sacred Core Being.
As you lift the frequencies of our Mental/Emotional bodies, your chakra system begins to spin much faster and in a harmonious fashion. This results in an ignition or activation of the etheric Tube of Light that runs along the spinal column, up through the Medulla Oblongata (the Ascension chakra) into the Sacred Mind and out the Crown Chakra. The coiled energy called Kundalini , which contains the Sacred White Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Light called Adamantine Particles, begins to flow up the spinal column. The portals to the Sacred Heart have opened so that you are now are receiving Adamantine Particles of Light via the back portal of our Sacred Heart, as well as a downward flow via your Crown Chakra, and a upward flow of Kundalini Fire along our Sacred Rod of Power/Light . This process will be speeded up and magnified if you use the gift of conscious breathing, such as the Infinity Breath or other deep breathing techniques.
You have learned to HEAL THE PAST and SCRIPT OUR FUTURE so that you can focus on the ETERNAL "NOW" MOMENT. We have merged our physical intellect with the spiritual wisdom of our OverSoul-Higher Self - which means we not only understand and accept the many higher spiritual truths we have learned, but we have also integrated them. We are gradually attuning to the more advanced and expanded guidelines for the future. As you do so, we will send forth the higher frequency Seed thoughts for the New Age into our Flower of Life and or Wheel of Creation, so that you may radiate them forth out into the world.
As you draw forth more and more vibrational frequency patterns from lower planes of the fifth-dimension, your Soul Song becomes attuned to and resonates with much higher vibrational frequencies also. This sets off a CELESTIAL CLARION CALL for the compatible facets of our Higher Self to begin the process of slowly moving into alignment within your personal column of Light. The downloading of the Sparks of your Higher Self with your resident Soul Self begins to accelerate at this point, and our progress on the Ascension Path will greatly accelerate also. You are now ready to move into the Flow of the River of Life, and we know we will be guided and directed as we begin to FOLLOW THE DIVINE PATH WITHOUT HESITATION.
yOU WILL become comfortable with your new State of Being and your new way of viewing the world. You will now value our solitude, as you delve deeper and deeper into your Sacred Beingness. Each day you have learned to function naturally as a Living Meditation and a Living Prayer, as you stay firmly centered within our Sacred Heart. The earthly illusion now has minimal effect on you; however, your loving compassion has grown to embrace all Beings and all Creation.