Traditional Powerful
Romanian Magic
Traditional Powerful Age Old Spell
A MUST when you need your magics to perform faster, stronger, more potent
This spell is casted for the one who has had a casting done and not seeing RESULTS in a reasonable amount of time ....
This can occur because of many factors that can be worked around with the right magic in place
Have this spell casted :
There are too many blockages around you at the time of casting and the alignment is taking longer than your expected
You are unconsciously REPEALING the spell due to old habits & beliefs
The person you have the spell cast upon is strong willed and not yet weakened enough to accept the changes your magic is bringing.
Your spell caster was not casting a strong enough spell for you
You have bought a magical vessel and NOT SEE IN RESULTS soon enough ~ due to not being able to bond with your magical well enough upon ownership
This spell does exactly what it suggests accelerates your magic & RESULTS
POWERFUL TRADITIONAL casted white magic
performed by the"Sacred Light Coven "