Merlin is portrayed on the coin. Merlin is a fascinating Welsh wizard featured in the Arthurian legends written by Geoffrey of Monmouth circa 1136. Born the son of a mortal woman and sired by an incubus from whom he receives his supernatural powers, Merlin is a known wizard and dragon master. He is also known for having engineered the birth of King Arthur. Merlin’s character was based on an earlier historical figure known as Myrrdin, a legendary madman. After witnessing the horrors of war, Myrddin flees civilization and becomes a wild man of the woods. Myrddin lives among the forest creatures and receives the gift of prophecy.
The Necklace is 925 sterling solid Silver 2 mm snake 24 inch chain Necklace.
The Pendant is a Vintage Silver Alloy Round measuring 40 mm in diameter.
It comes with the beautiful cotton bag shown.