The Moscow Sretensky Monastery Choir was created at a fateful moment in Russian history, when full-scale spiritual life became possible once again after decades of persecution. At that time Russians realized that the majestic cathedrals and monasteries that had miraculously withstood the times of trouble should once again come alive with sounds of church chants – the uniquely sonorous singing which Russia has always been famous for. In those days a large men’s choir was created at the Sretensky Monastery, mainly for the purpose of accompanying the Divine Services. The musicians of the choir are like-minded highly talented young singers who strive for spiritual growth and firmly believe in cultivating the living tradition of Russian music.
1 Ah, The Steppe So Wilde 4:13
2 The Battalion Has Advanced 1:32
3 Down The Mother Volga 3:48
4 Oh, To The Hills 1:47
5 In the Smithy 1:52
6 How the Mist Has Cleared 3:13
7 On The Hill, On The Mountain 1:19
8 Evening Bells 2:10
9 Misty Morning 3:12
10 White Acacias 3:27
11 Song Of My Troubled Youth 3:33
12 The Enemy Burned My Family Home 4:26
13 I Will Go With My Horse To The Field by Night 4:27
14 Spring Shall Come, But Not For Me 3:39
15 Brothers, It's Good To Live 7:11
Classical/sacred choral music in the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church.
1 Paschal Bells and the Stichera
2 Beginning of Pascha
3 Great Litany
4 Paschal Canon
5 Hypakoe
6 Canon
7 Kontakion, (tone eight)
8 Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
9 Exapostilarion
10 Paschal Stichera
11 Homily of St. John Chrysostom
12 Augmented Litany, Moscow Chant
13 The End of Matins
14 Christ is Risen in Greek, Latin, Slavonic
15 Having Beheld Thy Resurrection, O Christ
16 Hypakoe, Kontakion, Troparia
17 Christ is Risen