500 HEIRLOOM Creeping Thyme (thymus serpyllum} seeds
Creeping Thyme (Thymus Serpyllum) seed quite the robust, long-blooming beauty of the more expensive plant varieties. creeping thyme ground cover is super-vigorous, lemon-scented, brighly-flowered variety spreads 18 inches in no time in the sunny garden, giving you months of deep pink blooms and heavenly fragrance for mere pennies!
Just 5 - 8 inches tall, creeping thyme is completely covered in 1/4-inch bells of carmine-pink for months on end. Butterflies love it and so will you! The foliage is attractive even when not in bloom, too, with dark green, slightly hairy leaves. And because it's a long-lived perennial hardy ground cover plant just about everywhere in the U.S., you can expect years of beauty from this trouble-free groundcover!
Plant creeping thyme in rock gardens, walls, bare spots in sunny beds and borders, and just about anywhere that needs some quick, permanent coverage. This is a low-growing wildflower is used as a ground cover. Creeping thyme tolerates dry soil and needs little care after it is established.perfect ground cover plant that is versatile and hardy!