Cassette tape and inlay are in great condition...Gumby is an American clay animation franchise, centered on the title green clay humanoid character created and modeled by Art Clokey. The character has been the subject of two television series, a feature-length film and other media. Since the original series aired, Gumby has become a famous example of stop-motion clay animation and a cultural icon, spawning tributes, parodies and merchandising.


track listing:

1. (In Love) With You Gumby - Dweezil and Moon Unit Zappa
2. Concrete and Clay - Eddie Wade
3. Zydeco Gumby Ya Ya - Brave Combo
4. Bend Me, Shape Me - Donna McElroy
5. Gumby, We Love You - Sly and Robbie
6. I Like Gumby - Jonathan Richman
7. Pokey's Polka - Brave Combo
8. The Ballad of Gumby - Rick Schulman
9. We All Are Gumby - Flo and Eddie
10. The Gumby Heart Song - Frank Sinatra Jr.