* 0-10% Brix Scale * Accurate to +/- 0.10% Brix * Scale Divisions: 0.10% * Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) * Sturdy design, made of durable machined aluminum * INTERNAL LIGHT!
Included are: a pipette for dropping test fluids onto the prism (never dip the refractometer into the test fluid!), a mini screwdriver for scale calibration, (3) 1.5 Volt Button Cell Batteries and a Users Guide in a blue plastic, foam-lined hard case.
Comes with a THREE YEAR Warranty against manufacturers defects! No one else at does that! You don't have to worry about OUR quality!
This is the premier Brix Refractometer!
One BRAND NEWZGRB-10ATC (0-10% Brix scale) Hand Held Refractometer in a blue plastic, foam-lined hard case. This model is handy for the testing of low sugar fruits and vegetables, Reamsian Bodily Fluids (per the Reams Biological Theory of Ionization), Maple Sap, Water based cleaners and de-greasers or for synthetic or semi-synthetic coolants. For machining and grinding coolants, please consult the Technical Data Sheet for appropriate concentration of fluid. This model is designed to give HIGHLY accurate readings with 0.10 Brix divisions (accuracy is +/- 0.10 Brix.
All ZGRB models use ambient light, AND BATTERIES FOR THE INTERNAL LIGHT when light conditions are not so good! Models with the “ATC” suffix are equipped with “Automatic Temperature Compensation” for accurate measurements without re-calibration after shifts in ambient working temperature (field use) between 50-86'F (10-30'C).
This model sells for $180 and up at most retailers, if you can even find them!!. Get yours today at Wholesale prices!
Juices, Beverages, Reamsian Bodily Fluids and Industrial Fluids: The ZGR series provide a direct reading of the Brix scale. This scale was developed for working with sugar related liquids (fruit juices, soft drinks, wine), but is also commonly used for controlling the concentration of various metalworking fluids (cutting & grinding coolants, glycol solutions and flux rinsing compounds).
Common uses:
Raw Maple Sap
Synthetic and Semi-Synthetic MachiningCoolant (CNC's, Grinders, etc)
Water based Cleaners and Degreasers
Soy Based Inks
Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI) - Measuring of Bodily fluids
We also carry other types of Brix Units at our Store!
RHB-10ATC: This is a General Duty 0-10% Brix Refractometer. It doesn't have an internal light.
RHB0-80: Ideal for Maple Syrup testing! It can measure the Raw Maple Sap and help you while boiling down to make syrup! A GREAT broad range (0-80% Brix), but it doesn't have ATC.
RHB-82ATC: Ideal for boiling down your Raw Maple Sap with it 45-82% Brix range. This unit does have ATC. Get the RHB-10ATC or the ZGRB-10ATC for Maple Syrup production from sap to syrup!
National Industrial Supply 30777 Rancho California #891420 Temecula, CA 92589, USA Sales: 951.308.9269 Fax: 310.833.7306