An Advertiser and Journal Devoted to Fantastic and Imaginative Literature
Edited by Nils Hardin St. Louis, 1975 Vol. II, No. 1 (Whole Number 13) May 1975 Large format (8 1/2" by 11") Fine, unread in illustrated stapled wraps. Cover and some of the internal art by Donn Albright. 68 pages. Special Ray Bradbury issue: Prints Donn Albright's extensive and valuable supplementary index of Bradbury writings that have not been collected elsewhere. Two pages of verse by Bradbury appears in this issue (first magazine appearance). Also art, letters, and advertisements (with nostalgic prices!) THIS COPY IS FROM THE FILES OF NILS HARDIN An excellent Fanzine! FREE SHIPPING TO THE USA PLEASE VIEW FOR MORE GREAT FIRST EDITION BOOKS THANKS! |