Silencing the Heart's Whispers

by Levon Sparks Salone


Whispers. Katrina Watson, a married woman with a hidden past, experienced them. Pastor Phillips, an overworked pastor who unintentionally neglected his family, experienced them. Charles Hill, a man who relocated his family to escape his controlling in-laws, experienced them. Sandra Chillings, a former executive who struggled to discover her destiny, experienced them. And other residents of Harrisburg experienced them. Different walks of life, different issues, yet the same experience—the constant beckoning of whispers. Not whispers heard with the natural ear, but whispers that emerged from within—unique and powerful whispers that uncovered secrets, desires, sins and mistakes.

The whispers were reticent, yet invasive. No area was off limits for them. They dabbled in marriages, careers, physical conditions, ambitions, personal possessions and hidden pasts. There was only one way to quiet them and gain freedom. The host had to follow the whisper's directive, even though following was unpredictable and scary, oftentimes ushering the individual out of his comfort zone.

In Silencing The Heart's Whispers, each person was challenged. Each person was given instructions. Who followed instructions and gained true freedom? Who ignored the whispers and toppled down the path of destruction? With so much at stake, only those who learned valuable life lessons emerged victorious. All others suffered dire consequences.


Format: Paperback

Genre: Christian Fiction

372 Pages