Title: Flight of the Innocent ( La corsa dell'innocente - original title )
Format: VHS
Brand: MGM / UA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Aliens
UPC: 027616467539
Special Notes: Out Of Print, Italian Audio With English Subtitles
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
Original Release Date: 1992
In the countryside of Italy, there is a feud between two families of kidnappers and the boy Vito escapes from the slaughter of his family by the other family hiding under his bed. Before dying, his father advises him to warn his older brother that is hidden in a cave. When Vito arrives there, he finds his brother and a boy called Simone that had been kidnapped by his family dead. He finds a backpack with Simone's address in Rome and he decides to travel to Rome to meet his cousin Orlando to flee from the killers that are hunting him down. Orlando gives a pack to Vito to keep for him and he puts in the backpack. Soon Orlando is murdered by the killers and Vito decides to seek out Vito's parents. When he meets them, the disturbed mother Marta Rienzi wants to keep Vito with them, while her husband Davide Rienzi does not believe in him and decides to pay the ransom to retrieve his son.