Title: Cartoon Craze All-Stars Vol. 1 & The Undersea Adventures Of Captain Nemo The Coral Maze
Format: DVD
Brand: DigiView Entertainment
Genre: Animation, Cartoon, Family
UPC: Cartoon Craze All-Stars Vol. 1 - 842718005003 / The Undersea Adventures Of Captain Nemo The Coral Maze - 842718004983
Special Notes: DVD Slim Case, Stereo, Interactive Menus
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
DVD Release Date: 2005 & 2006
Cartoon Craze All-Stars Vol. 1 Summary:!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This DVD contains 10 episodes ( Yankee Doodle Daffy, Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle, Gold Rush Daze, Slick Sleuths, You Can't Shoe a Shoefly, The Lost Dream, Confusion of a Nutzy Spy, Wolf Wolf, Robin Hood Make Good, Ding Dog Daddy )
The Undersea Adventures Of Captain Nemo The Coral Maze Summary:!!!!!!!!11
The Undersea Adventures of Captain Nemo, originally aired as a segment on Captain Kangaroo. The DVD follows the adventures of three explores as they unlock the mysteries of the deep. The Coral Maze features a lesson about oceanic life, making this DVD just as fun as it is educational.