Robot Face Race Children's Finding Game By Educational Insights New Sealed Retail Box

Robot Face Race Game Details:

Help a crazy inventor find the heads he needs to complete his robot bodies in this frantically fun, feature-finding game! Shake the Robot Randomizer, then scan the board for the robot head with the matching face, eyes, nose, and mouth. It’s a frantic, feature-finding game that’s fun for the whole family!

Shhh. ..They're Learning!

● Helps sharpen visual discrimination—a key pre-reading skill!

● Helps hone concentration.

Robot Face Race Game How To Play:

1. The Robot Randomizer tells you what to look for! Shake it and watch it magically reveal the colors of the robot’s face, eyes, nose and mouth. Ready, set, Search!

2. Everyone scans the board, looking for the robot head that matches the features shown on the Robot Randomizer.

3. The first player to find the matching head earns a scoring token. Gather 5 tokens first and you win!

For 2-4 players.

Robot Face Race Game Features:

● Robot randomizer – no batteries required!

● Game board with 120 different robot faces.

● 20 Robot scoring tokens.

● Instructions.

● All-play matching game.

● Requires no reading to play. ( Recommeded for ages 4 plus )

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