Reader's Digest
Issue Date:
MARCH 1961; Vol. 78, No. 467
"Articles of Lasting Interest" -- Own a piece of history, fascinating to read -- The Readers Digest captures what life was like at any given time better than any other magazine, because it is the best of all of them! Articles, subjects and contributors in this issue: This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES! Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 COVER: A Tribute to the universal game of CHESS, displays pieces from the four corners of the Earth. For details, provided by the Carlbach Art Gallery, 1040 Madison Avenue, New York, which owns them, see page 162. The Draveurs: Cowboys of the Forests . . . Commerce. The Movies' Sickening Exploitation of Sex . . . Don Wharton. Forgiveness: The Saving Grace . . . Christian Herald. Tyrants - and Gods - of the Podium . . . N. Y. Times Magazine. The Secret Radar War With Russia . . . Popular Science Monthly. Democracy Is Working in Nigeria' . . . Time. Mind Your Own Two Feet . . . Today's Health. The Meaning Manglers . . . Holiday. He Sees More Than Meets the Eye . . . Malcolm Vaughan. Herder of the World's Sheep . . . The Scots Magazine. The Trial That Rocked a Nation . . . First Person Award. Once More - VD . . . Parents' Magazine. A Rose for Cape Girardeau . . . Daniel Longwell. Chinese Red Star Over Latin America . . . Lester Velie. Freight Takes to the Air in Earnest . . . Wolfgang Langewiesche. My Most Unforgettable Character . . . Alex Haley. Newest Partners: Corporations and Colleges . . . Clarence W. Hall. Are the Earth's Continents Adrift? . . . Rutherford Platt. Kennedy's Secretary of State . . . Time. A Seat Belt Could Save Your Life . . . Traffic Safety. The Squid: Nature's Nightmare . . . Down East. Cuba Revisited . . . U S News & World Report. Doctor Mayo of the Marvelous Clinic . . . Saturday Evening Post. O'Sullivan's Wonderful Lead Balloon . . . Popular Science Monthly. Our Home Education for John . . . Rotarian. If You See This Man, Call the Police! - II . . . Blake Clark. My Uncle Pepe . . . Ladies' Home Journal. Train Ride to a New Life . . . George Kent. Newest Thing in Ships -The Hydrofoil . . . Popular Mechanics. The Lesson of Loreto . . . The Lion. Get Involved . . . Today's Living. BOOK: ALWAYS WANTED TO BE A LION TAMER . . . George J. Keller. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES! Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. Some are original articles. ALSO in this issue: the usual great tidbits, jokes and sidebars that Readers Digest was famous for. Starting in 1955, issues also include terrific vintage ADS! (PLUS there is more actual CONTENT in these vintage issues than in the current ones!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly!
Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition.